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Bozcaada (Tenedos)

Bozcaada, named as Tenedos in antiquity sources, is the third largest island of Turkey after Gökçeada and Marmara Island with an area of 36 square kilometers.


Bozcaada was an important military base throughout history due to its position on the way to the Dardanelles. After the reign of Ionia, Persia and the Delos Union, it was under the Roman domination in 63 BC. Aydınoğlu Umur Bey's eight-ship fleet plundered the island in 1328. The island was empty in the 14th century. in the time of II. Mehmet (Fatih) it was used as the base of the navy . The Venetians captured the island in 1656, but were taken back in 1657. During the Russian occupation (1807) the castle (New Castle) was rebuilt in 1842.

How to go to Bozcaada?

The ferries to Bozcaada are departing from the Geyikli Port in Ezine. Bozcaada is reached at the end of a half hour ferry journey. There are sea bus services between Canakkale and Bozcaada. To reach Ezine from Istanbul, it is necessary to come to Çanakkale first. Following the Tekirdag-Malkara-Keşan route from Istanbul, you can go directly from Gallipoli to Lapseki or from Eceabat to Çanakkale. You can reach Geyikli from Istanbul to Bandırm and from here you can reach Lapseki in about 3 hours. Geyikli is reached from Ankara via Eskişehir-Bursa-Canakkale road by 703 km. Edremit-Ezine route is followed from Izmir to reach Geyikli.

Renting Bicycle

The minibuses in Island are running along the route to Ayazma, Sulubahçe, Marble Burn and Habbele. It is possible to rent motorcycles and bicycles.

Accommodation in Bozcaada

You have to get permission from the gendarmes to camp on your own.


Restaurants can be found at the harbor side and at Ayazma Beach. If you visit the island early in the morning, you will get fresh fish caught around the island. Try the fish that are dwelling on the rocks. When you order in advance, the restaurants will serve you the fish you have choosen.

Places to visit in Bozcaada

When you approach the island by ferry, the first building you will notice is Bozcaada Castle. The "Old Castle", which was built in the time of the Venetians and which was later restored many times, is open in the open air and ethnography museum with its new arrangement.

Bozcaada Castle

Another museum of the island is the Bozcaada Museum which was opened with the initiative of Hakan Gürüney in the past years. The museum, which serves a historic building allocated by the district governorate of Bozcaada, is open every day between 10.00-20.00 hours every day.

"New Castle" is the other castle and its remnants are located on the hill. II. The castle built by Bozcaada Guard Hafiz Ali Pashan in the time of Mahmud has an epigraph dated 1827.

Köprülü Mehmed Pasha Mosque and Alabey Mosque from the 17th century are among the main historical monuments.

Bozcaada Ayazma Beach

Ayazma Beach, Waterfall and Habbele bays are ideal for swimming. Tuzburnu Beach is a quiet beach, even in summer.

Çamlık district is the best place for walking. Another place to visit is the necropolis from ancient times. The church remaining from the Venetians still serves the Christian community of the island. The Polente Navy Lighthouse on the western edge of the island is also an elegant structure to be seen. You can see the wind turbines on the way to the fence. You can reach here in the summer season with minibuses moving from the center of the island.

Rabbit, Piresa, Sickle, Snake, Lantern, Stone, Spoon, Thunder and Ripple nine small islands around Bozcaada.

Every year on the 26th of July, the "Ayazma Fair" is an event held by Greek families whose number is gradually decreasing. The fairground is colored with the participation of the Greek Cypriots settled in remote countries. The highest point of the island is 192 meters long Göztepe.

Important Telephones

City Hall: 0-286-697 80 81
Hospital: 0-286-697 80 51
Police Department: 0-286-697 80 10


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